By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry



Personal Background:

I am a German national and have been based in Tokyo, Japan since 2004 – when I started my PhD studies at Keio University (as a research student).

After graduating and working independently for years, I established Kantan Games Inc. in Tokyo in 2013, an independent game industry consultancy focused on the Japanese market.

Playing games has been my personal passion since the early 1980s. At its peak, my collection counted around 40 different consoles and 1,000 games. My favorite console is the Sega Saturn, while my favorite game is Nintendo’s Zelda – Ocarina Of Time.

On the mobile side, I am spending *a lot* of time playing Japanese smartphone games from all sorts of genres.

This site serves as the CEO blog for Kantan Games Inc.


My company regularly covers the dynamics of the Japanese game market, key content and main players such as Nintendo, Sony, Konami, Square Enix, mixi, CyberAgent, LINE, DeNA, GREE, Colopl, GungHo, etc.

The main client groups are investors and the finance industry (sell- and buy-side), global game developers and others (advertising agencies, VCs, IT companies etc. ).

Services include ad-hoc calls and meetings, seminars and presentations, in-depth research on Japan’s game industry, strategy consulting, M&A consulting, etc.

Based in Tokyo, Kantan Games is frequently quoted on gaming in Japan by leading media outlets worldwide (i.e. Financial Times, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Reuters etc.).


Please feel free to connect via Email (Serkan at, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Visit the Kantan Games website for more information.

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry