By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

CategorySearch Engines

Yahoo Japan And Yahoo: A Neverending Story


Should Yahoo sell its 34.78% stake in Yahoo Japan? The question has been asked for several years now if Yahoo Japan (founded in 1996) should become more independent of its US counterpart. SoftBank owns more than Yahoo itself (37.36%). Yahoo Japan is currently worth $21.5 billion at the Tokyo Stock...

Google Japan Introduces Ads On YouTube’s Japanese Site


It took a while, but according to The Nikkei, Google Japan is finally introducing TrueView ads on the Japanese version of YouTube. TrueView lets viewers on YouTube decide over which ads they want to watch or ignore. The obvious goal here is to get new advertisers and establish a new revenue stream...

New Revenue Stream? Yahoo Japan Opens App Platform


Yahoo Japan just announced the opening of the so-called Yahoo Japan Application Platform (YAP). The company is asking third-party developers to provide applications, which could be anything from games to productivity apps. For Yahoo Japan, the app section means a new revenue stream, as the apps can...

Social Games: Yahoo Mobage Off To Good Start


Yahoo Mobage, the PC-based social gaming platform Yahoo Japan and DeNA (Mobage) jointly launched, is off to a good start: Nielsen Japan is reporting that in August 2010, before the integration of Yahoo Mobage into Yahoo Games, Yahoo saw 5.3 million UU per month. On September 21, Yahoo Mobage...

By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry