By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry

DeNA’s Q1 FY2012 Report: Revenue Reaches Record-High, Mobage International Growing [Social Games]


Kompu what? DeNA released their financial report for Q1 FY2012 today (April to June 2012), and things are looking pretty good for the company.

Apparently, the kompu gacha (complete gacha) shock that hit Japan’s social gaming industry in May, didn’t have that much of an effect on the Mobage operator.

The report can be downloaded (in English) from here.

Nearly all data is probably relevant for anyone reading this, but the most important bullet point is that quarterly revenue hit US$609 million (+37% y-o-y) and that operating profit reached US$235 million (+22%). In fact, DeNA never had a better quarter.

Japanese players consumed a whopping US$ 689 million worth of Mobacoins, Mobage’s virtual currency, in Q1.

Again: US$689 million of virtual item sales for one platform only, in three months only, in Japan only. Despite the kompu gacha regulation, new limits for younger players, and other measures. Mammon certainly loves the social gaming business.

Here is the basic summary for Q1:

User data for Mobage in Japan:

Outside Japan (“Mobage West”), DeNA says that revenue hit US$10 million in July, probably driven by mega hit title Rage Of Bahamut.

The company also disclosed that Blood Brothers and Ninja Royale hit US$1 in ARPDAU “recently” – a very, very good number (those are DeNA’s own games).

More titles are coming to the US and other places (apart from Marvel: War Of Heroes and Transformers):

Here’s the slide DeNA showed for Mobage’s business in China and Korea:

The forecast is looking very solid, too:

Again, the report can be downloaded here.

GREE is reporting on August 14.

About the author

Dr. Serkan Toto

I am the CEO & Founder of Kantan Games Inc., an independent consultancy focused on Japan’s game industry.

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By Dr. Serkan Toto – On Japan's Game Industry